Wednesday, December 1, 2010

chaptre 1

In the darkest of the dark night, where stars do not glint event the slightest spark on the blanket of the sky, no moon that shines and helps the travellers on their lost way, there I found you, in the dark alley of this beaten streets. Nobody seems to care you were there, and so I thought why I too should do the otherwise. So there I was, strutting my way pass you, when you looked up to me with those beautiful sad eyes of yours. Looking so pleadingly. I stopped on my track as we look at each other.

"Is there something wrong?" u asked.
Right then I snapped back from reality. I blinked a couple of times before refocusing my sight on you. You looked as confused as I was. Quickly, I turned and walked away. I don't even look back at you. And I don't even know why I acted this strangely either. Was it because of your look at me? Those eyes should not bore such sadness. It makes one to forget everything and be the knight that strike in your name. Well, I doubt I will see you again.

Or so I thought....

"ka-chink" the doorbell rang. And then you were, standing in the finest and most flamboyant suit I have ever seen. But somehow it suited you very well. In the dimmed light of the bar, you seemed to shine brighter than the one who accompany you here. Why is that I wonder?
You saw me and your calm face turned into a surprise. I? I didn’t how to react so I was motionless. I continued my work as if your existence doesn't matter. I was really good at pretending. Still am I supposed? You approached the bar and sat comfortably in front of me. Once again our eyes meet.
"Are you new here?" you asked with a smile. A smile warms enough to heat this cold city of the night. I replied with a nod. You must come here often.
"What can I etch?" asked I monotonously.
"A light one tonight. I don't want to cause trouble when I’m working," you replied with a smile of yours that I began to like. working you say? I said it in my heart. In this dark alley, one must not ask too many. That I learnt when I first started embarking this journey on my own.
"Adrian, you ordered you drink yet?" the man with you earlier sat down beside you. Adrian is your name, huh?
"What can I getcha?" I asked that man after placing your drink.
"Whatever he's having. My treat." with a sly smile he caressed your cheek with his hand. He, too, wore fine apparel. You looked somehow used to his touch. I tried not to look but it seems that my eyes were glued to you. Why is that I wonder.
"You seem to like to stare at me a lot." you surprised me with your remark.
"You look interesting." I replied motionlessly. You seemed surprised with my words that you were taken aback.
"Hey, hey, are you trying to hit on him. He’s mine for the night." the man besides you seemed angry. It took me by surprise, really. But my feet just won't budge.
"Matthew, calm down. Don’t make a fuss here okay. You promised." you plead with the voice of yours. You looked worried, anxious even. The Matthew you called seemed calmer, but gave me a frightful glance. I didn't know how to react by this, so I remain silent. He whispered something to you and stomp his feet out. But before he closed the door, he gave me a glare, as if he wishes he could slice my throat with the glare of his.
"Sorry for that." you looked apologetic, though it wasn't you who should be apologising. Is he the reason you looked so melancholic that night? I wanted to asked, but I shrugged it off. I’m not supposed to know.
"It happens. I’ve seen worse."
"Hey, what's your name?" suddenly you asked. astounded must be portrayed in my face as you continued." you know.... people say that it's destined if we were to meet a stranger three times." you chuckled, which is captivating.
"True. But it only so if it was a 24 hour meeting." I replied while washing the glasses." are you gonna make your lover wait? He’s probably pissed right now."
You were surprised by my words.' was it obvious' written all over your face. This is the kind of place where you'll meet any type of people. I guess you are one of them.
You looked down and whispered something. I wasn't sure if you were directing at me or yourself. But when you looked up, the same sad eyes looked at me. Just like at that night. I wanted to ask you, but I couldn't find the courage to do so. A coward I am. My eyes followed you as you walked slowly to the door.

That night, you left me with confusing feelings... what are these?


a'ai zairi said...

theres a spelling mistake dear. cery.
first para i think?
evrythg else is good. :)

Turisaina said...

coool! i hope the main character is a girl/woman. cant wait for the next post! keep it coming!!!

Turisaina said...

i hope the narrator/persona/main character is a girl. pliz let it be a girl please!!! i'd hate to find if it's GAY STORY. but u're the writer and the story is kinda interesting. altho it would be kind of gross (it it's a gay story), i would still read it.